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Teacher Resource Hub


Essential resources and guides to help you seamlessly introduce and implement Amira in your classroom. 

· Slide Decks
· Lesson Plans
· Implementation Guides
· Helpful Tips and Tricks
· Training Courses
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Classroom resources, spanning goal-setting, progress tracking and reflective exercises, all tailored to enhance your Amira experience.

· Goal-Setting Materials
· Progress Trackers
· Reading Logs
· Reflection Templates
· Seasonal Resources
TRH Resource Previews

A comprehensive set of tools designed to help you with implementation, assessments, and tailoring learning experiences to meet your students' needs.

· Data Dives
· Protocols
· How To & Help Guides
· Assessment Admin.
·  State Documentation

Resources to empower students, track progress, and celebrate growth. Strategies for implementing class, school, or district-wide Amira reading competitions.

·  Competition Calendar
·  Preparation Guides
·  Posters and Flyers
·  Timelines
·  Certificates
·  Fun Themed Materials
TRH Resource Previews

Support materials for families, including program explanations, login instructions, and guidance on using Amira at home.

·  Login instructions
·  One-pagers
·  Editable letters
·  Seasonal handouts
TRH Resource Previews (2)